About Us
The Academy for Business and Technology Elementary School (ABTE) is a school of choice in Dearborn, Michigan enrolling students in grades K-5. Presently, ABTE has an enrollment of 240 students in grades K-5. ABTE is fully accredited by Cognia and the North Central Association on Accreditation and School Improvement. ABTE offers a challenging curriculum which is aligned to the State of Michigan Standards. The vision of ABTE is, “Academic Success for All,” and, as such, the goal is to provide the academic support system necessary to make this a reality for every student. This is accomplished by providing a safe, secure school culture, a Positive Behavior Intervention Support system, an English as a Second Language program, tutoring for all grade levels, a summer academic camp, and a structured Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) program designed to bring all students to grade level achievement. ABTE is proud to offer:
Highly Qualified Staff: Teachers who are highly qualified and dedicated. They go above and beyond for our students and families.
Multi-Tier-Systems of Support (MTSS): A system to support students who are struggling academically and behaviorally.
Michigan School Safety Grant: ABT was the recipient of the Michigan School Safety Grant. Through the grant they were able to ensure that all exterior doors were secure as well as having cordless phones installed throughout the school.
Renovated School: During the summer of 2018, they replaced all of the flooring in the classrooms and painted the entire school.